Lin Qingsong


Guangzhou, China

Areas of practice

Mr. Lin Qingsong has been engaged in securities for more than 15 years, specializing in securities, corporate investment (including PE), as well as corporate M&A.

Mr. Lin's extensive experience in securities has led him in taking important roles in the restructuring, reorganization, M&As, and domestic and overseas listings of a number of large and medium size state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises and high-tech enterprises. A number of his projects have been awarded 'Deal of the Year' by Asian or international institutions.

In M&A and reorganization, Mr. Lin has played an active role in the following projects: Sequoia Capital's investment into an electronic business enterprise in Guangdong Province, Sequoia Capital's investment into a daily used chemical enterprise in Yunnan Province, Sequoia Capital's investment into a chain enterprise in Guangxi Province, JAFCO's investment into a micro-electronics enterprise in Shenzhen, an electric utility's introduction of PE in Guangdong Province, an aquaculture enterprise's introduction of PE in Hainan Province, a chain pharmaceutical enterprise's an internationally renowned investment institution, a famous detergent enterprise's introduction of PE in Guangzhou, a famous daily used chemical enterprise's introduction of PE in Guangzhou, Shenzhen Eternal Asia Supply Chain's introduction of SAIF, Shenzhen Eternal Asia Supply Chain's introduction of Shenzhen Capital Group, Shenzhen Ideal Jewelry's introduction of Shenzhen Capital Group, Deyufarm's introduction of SBCVC, a famous glass enterprise's introduction of PE in Guangdong Province, a private-owned hospital's introduction of PE, Galaxy Circuit's investment into a medical machinery enterprise in Shenzhen, Galaxy Circuit's investment into a new energy material enterprise in Anhui Province, Aiyaya's introduction of PE, Guangdong Electric Power's acquisition of part of assets from the parent company and major assets reorganization, Shenzhen Eternal Asia Supply Chain's acquisition of overseas listed company and major assets reorganization, Shenzhen Heungkong Holding's acquisition of the parent company's assets and major assets reorganization, Jinzhonglongyue's acquisition of Shandong Qixing Iron Tower, MOY's acquisition of Chengshang Group's controlling stake, China merchants New Energy Holdings Limited's acquisition of onshore solar power plant, Yuexiu Property's acquisition of the parent company's assets and major assets reorganization, Alibaba's investment into Haier Electric Appliances, RRS's acquisition of a logistics enterprise in Fujian Province, Haier Electric Appliances' acquisition of a home design enterprise, the US KBA company's transfer of a Shenzhen company's stocks, Shenzhen Capital's acquisition of an urban complex in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Capital's acquisition of a number of real property enterprises in Shenzhen, and etc.

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In domestic A-share listing and refinancing, Mr. Lin participated in the A-share IPO projects of Topscore Fashion Shoes, Shenzhen Huijie Group, Ideal Jewelry, LinNan Landscape, Jiangxi Huangshanghuang Group, Homa Appliances, Evenwin Precision, Eternal Asia Supply Chain, Coship Electronics, Feima International Supply Chain, and etc. He has also been engaged to additional issue projects of EVE Energy, Ideal Jewelry, Coship Electronics, Huafu Top Dyed Melange Yarn, Starlake Bioscience, PCI-SuntekTechnology. Mr. Lin is currently participating into IPO and refinancing projects of Shangpinzhaipei, Shenzhen DNS, Guangdong Marubi and NEEQ (National Equities Exchange and Quotations) projects of a number of enterprises.

In overseas listing, Mr. Lin has participated in the H-stock listing projects of CGN Power, Livzon Pharmaceutical, and Ping An Insurance; listing on HKSE of Times Group, C C Land Holdings' splitting of Qualipak, L & A International, Goldenmars, Mega Expo, Zhongsheng Resources, Winox Holdings, BaWang International, Chigo Holdings, Perception Digital Technology(Second Board), Peak Sports, MOY international, Regent Manner International; more than 20 overseas listing projects including China Sunergy (Nanjing)'s listing on the US, Kenford Group Holdings' listing on HKSE, Yorkey Optical International's listing on HKSE, Computime Group's listing On HKSE (ranked by Asia Legal Business as the best Asia Small-Cap Stock Listing in 2006), CapitaMalls' listing on HKSE, CapitaMall Asia's listing the Singapore Stock Exchange, Prologis' listing on the Singapore Stock Exchange, and etc.

Work experience

Mr. Lin joined King & Wood Mallesons in 2000. Before joining King & Wood Mallesons, he worked at the Guangdong Power Engineering Corporation primary working with foreign-related projects.

Lin Qingsong received his B.A. from Wuhan University and his LL.M. from Nankai University. He was admitted as a Chinese lawyer in 2001.

Mr. Lin Qingsong is proficient in Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

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