Mandy Tsang


Sydney, Australia

Mandy specialises in front-end and regulatory insurance law with over 10 years of experience in the insurance industry. Her expertise spans across a number of practice areas, making her the “go to” adviser for her clients on insurance questions.

Mandy’s work includes negotiating insurance provisions in M&A and other transactions, resolving cutting-edge issues in transaction and liability structuring and undertaking insurance due diligence. With her extensive market knowledge and established relationships with brokers and insurers, Mandy also runs a robust Warranty & Indemnity insurance practice, negotiating these policies with an approach which is tailored to each deal.

Mandy’s recent highlights

  • W&I insurance: Negotiating W&I insurance policy in numerous transactions each year. Many of these were headline deals, with some deals valued over $1b.
  • D&O and PI insurance: Advising on the D&O and PI insurance programmes of three of the Big 4 banks, a well-known Australian-domiciled investment bank, an ASX 20 general insurer, various other listed financial service providers and other entities, including policy responsiveness for high profile and complex matters and the impact of the BEAR/FAR legislation and the Financial Services Royal Commission.
  • Deeds of indemnity: Advising on and drafting deeds of indemnity for listed and multinational corporations.
  • Captive insurance: Advising two ASX-listed entities on establishing captive insurance. This included regulatory advice, negotiating framework agreements and policy terms and conditions.
  • Insurance companies and distributors: Advising Australian insurance companies and distributors on their obligations under insurance regulatory regimes. Mandy also advises insurance companies considering acquisitions, demergers or market exits and other companies wishing to enter the insurance market.
  • Insurance regulatory: Assisting major financial institutions in navigating the reforms and legislation arising out of the Financial Services Royal Commission, the FAR and DDO regimes and Australia's complex insurance and financial services regulatory frameworks.
  • Government and public-private partnerships: Negotiating and advising on the insurance aspects of noteworthy State projects, including the development of the Sydney Metro Greater West railway line to the Western Sydney International Airport.

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