Tim Edwards


Perth, Australia

Tim Edwards specialises in mining, energy and resources work. His experience includes negotiating, drafting and advising on a wide range of matters in the energy, resources and projects area, including in relation to sale and purchase agreements, joint venture arrangements, gas sale agreements, power purchase agreements, State Agreements and other mining and resources related documentation.

Tim's work highlights include:

  • AGL Energy: Acquisition of Perth Energy, a WA electricity and gas retailer and electricity generator. 
  • Newmont Corporation: on the US$800m sale of its 50% interest in the WA Super Pit gold mine and associated assets to Northern Star Resources Limited. 
  • Aquila Resources: on the $430m sale of its venture interest in the Isaac Plains Coal Joint Venture to Sumitomo Corporation. 
  • State Solicitor's Office: On the Network Regulation project, involving the proposed transfer of the regulation of Western Power's network to the national electricity regulatory framework. 
  • South32: On its multi-fuel cogeneration project and port and rail arrangements in Western Australia. 
  • BHP: Power arrangements in the North West of Western Australia, including drafting Power Purchase Agreements and related documentation and advising on applicable regulatory regimes.
  • Lynas Corporation: on all aspects of the development of its Kalgoorlie rare earth processing facility.

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