Peter is a Partner in the Dispute Resolution group in the Sydney office of King & Wood Mallesons. Peter has a broad practice with expertise in insurance advice and disputes, commercial real estate disputes, and general commercial litigation (including contractual disputes, and disputes between joint venture partners).
In his insurance practice, Peter provides policy response advice and claims management support (including litigation, if required) in respect of Professional Indemnity, Directors & Officers (or Management Liability), Statutory Liability, W&I, cyber, Contract Works insurance, Property Damage, Public Liability, Industrial Special Risks and Trade Credit policies. The bulk of Peter's experience has been in the professional indemnity space, often advising other professional services firms and financial institutions.
Peter is regularly called upon by the banking and finance, mergers & acquisitions and real estate practice teams to provide bespoke advice and views on insurance obligations in significant contracts and transactions.
Peter has deep experience in commercial real estate disputes, including in respect of the termination of leases.
In his general commercial litigation practice, Peter has acted for a number of clients in the private equity, banking, real estate, resources, healthcare, food and agriculture and resources sectors.
Peter advises clients on engagement with regulators (including ASIC, FIRB and the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (NSW)).
Peter was one of the Solicitors Assisting the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.
Praised by his clients for his disciplined approach to meeting their commercial objectives and delivering value, Peter is noted as having exceptional project management skills, providing "succinct" advice and making complex issues simple to understand.
Peter is the founder and editor of KWM's annual insurance publication (the Insurance Pocketbook) and is a contributor to the Insurance Law Bulletin, the Australian Property Law Bulletin, the Australian Banking and Finance Law Bulletin and Australian Dispute Resolution Bulletin (all published by LexisNexis).