Anne-Marie specialises in securitisation, derivatives, DCM, hybrids, convertibles, structured capital markets and structured finance matters across the Australian and Asian regions, and is heavily involved in our Asian securitisation practice. Anne-Marie is highly regarded as an Australian and Asian securitisation and structured finance practitioner, and as a thought leader in innovative structures and new development areas such as green, social and sustainable finance, securitisations of alternative asset classes (such as NPLs) and securitised portfolio acquisitions.

She regularly speaks at industry and academic events, and has been involved in many market leading Asian finance transactions, including PrimeCredit’s inaugural term securitisation issuance, which was the first public term personal loan-backed securities issuance in the Hong Kong SAR market and the first public term securitisation in the Hong Kong SAR market for over a decade.

Anne-Marie has been named as a leading lawyer for Capital markets - securitisation in Chambers Asia-Pacific, for Capital markets - structured finance and securitisation in the IFLR1000 Guide to the World's Leading Financial Law Firms, for Banking and Finance Law, Debt Capital Markets Law, Derivatives, Structured Finance Law and Government Practice in Best Lawyers in Australia and for Best in Structured finance at the Euromoney Asian Women in Business Law Awards.

Anne-Marie has worked as a lawyer in the United Kingdom as well as Australia and has also worked as a sessional lecturer for the Law School at the University of Melbourne.

Anne-Marie's work highlights include:

  • Australian Securitisation Forum: advised the securitisation industry through the ASF in relation to an innovative forbearance special purpose vehicle (“fSPV”) to allow securitisation trusts to access additional liquidity to provide temporary liquidity support for COVID-19 hardship affected assets. 
  • Major Australian Bank: acted for a major Australian bank on the establishment of its “Direct Lending Partnership” platform to enable the distribution of asset participations to industry partners. 
  • ME Bank: advised ME Bank on the repapering of its securitisation funding platform and the inaugural A$1bn issuance of residential mortgage backed securities under that platform. 

Clients say that Anne-Marie is "Incredibly knowledgeable, experienced and pragmatic" (Chambers & Partners).

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