Xing Meidong


Beijing, China

Areas of Practice 

Mr. Xing Meidong specializes in areas of investment and financing, corporate merger and acquisition, real estate, and infrastructure.

Mr. Xing has provided successful legal services to clients in project investment & financing, and corporate merger & acquisition. He has extensive professional experience in insurance & trust, real estate funds and structured financing, providing successful services in investment & financing, and corporate merger & acquisition to financial institutions, large central enterprises, real estate companies, and fund companies.

Mr. Xing has rich experience in infrastructure and real estate, including acquisition and transfer; obtaining land use right; primary land development; housing demolition, compensation and relocation (in relation to urban renewal); real estate lease, construction and sales; project investment and financing (PPP, trust, insurance, funds, etc.); construction projects; bidding and bid; project management; large property transactions; real estate merger and acquisition; real estate lease, mortgage and property management.

In the above areas, Mr. Xing provides legal services with respect to project risk assessment, due diligence, deal structure design, negotiation, legal document drafting, and providing legal opinion/advice.

In 2019 and 2020, Mr. Xing was recognized as one of the “Next Generation Lawyers” in the field of real estate and construction by The Legal 500. 

Work Experience

Mr. Xing joined King & Wood Mallesons in 2007. Mr. Xing received his LL.M. from Peking University. Mr. Xing received his double degrees in LL.B. and Ph. B. from Anhui University. 

Mr. Xing obtained his legal practice certificate in China in 2008.

Mr. Xing's working languages are Chinese and English.


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