Max Allan


Sydney, Australia

Max Allan specialises in financial markets, including structured and complex derivatives across all asset classes (including traditional asset classes such as interest rates, FX, equity, commodity and credit, and emerging asset classes such as environmental products), securities lending arrangements, repurchase transactions, other structured financial markets transactions, custody, credit support arrangements, and netting, collateral, clearing, custody, prime brokerage, and derivative and trading documentation.

He is involved in emerging issues such as the use, risks and impact of regulatory, policy and technological changes and new regulatory frameworks, including in relation to environmental products and digital assets.

Max has a key role in financial markets law reform in Australia, advising domestic and international market in consultations with the Australian Government and regulators on law reform matters.

His expertise is recognised by the industry, with Max continuing to advise the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) on its Australian opinions for the derivatives market and various projects, as well as being to counsel to the Australian Banking Association (ABA) and the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA) on various financial services regulatory matters, and main contact for key Australian opinions prepared for International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and International Securities Lending Association (ISLA). 

In addition, Max has a focus on carbon market and digital asset solutions and brings a wealth of governance, structural, contractual and regulatory advice to these sectors. 

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