This report is produced in partnership with the Australia China Business Council under its landmark Green Channel initiative. Green Channel highlights the opportunities for Australian businesses arising from increased collaboration with China on outcomes addressing the climate challenge.
Transport is among the most emissions-heavy sectors. In 2019 the sector represented 23% of global energy-related emissions according to the 2022 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Mitigation Report. The vast majority (70%) came from road vehicles, another 11% from shipping, 12% from aviation and just 1% from rail.
Decarbonisation paths vary dramatically. For passenger and light-duty transport the consensus is clearest: electrification using lithium-ion batteries. For shipping and aviation, the longer asset life-cycles, longer distances and heavier loads create a challenge.
Opportunities to collaborate exist sector-wide. Australia can learn about operational structures, ownership and maintenance of electrification infrastructure at mass scale from world-leading China.
EVs and charging provide rich opportunities for China and Australia to work together, particularly as Australia prepares for new policies to accelerate take-up and build charging infrastructure. From manufacture and supply to managing a grid powered largely by variable renewable energy; via university-level information exchanges on new technology innovations and business partnerships.
"Transition to electric cars is not a car problem, it’s an electricity infrastructure problem. The biggest opportunity for collaboration in electrification is knowledge sharing and skill swaps on electrification infrastructure.”
Tim Washington, JET Charge CEO
Global supply chain issues pushing up prices of the critical minerals and metals that are inputs for EVs and other clean energy technology are only sharpening the need to collaborate. Batteries, vehicles, marine, air: all are industries undergoing change, bringing new opportunities to invest and lead in.
For heavy-duty and long-distance transport, there is a focus on the future potential of power sources such as green hydrogen, methanol and biodiesels.
Biofuels, blends and beyond: The mixed fuel future
“We’ve always viewed it from a diverse fuel perspective. A lot of the technologies are not commercially viable at this stage. We strongly believe there’ll be a mix of fuels and technology for the future. Customers need to know, whatever the drivers are that affect the production of that fuel, the fuel will be there. China has the population to drive demand and evolution.”
Sandra Lau, Viva Energy Alternative Fuels Manager
Viva Energy supplies roughly a quarter of the fuels used in Australia. Beyond fuels, it also refines and imports lubricants, solvents and bitumen.
Viva Energy has committed to reducing its Scope 1 and 2 emissions and has a number of initiatives in the new energies sector to supply lower-carbon fuels to the market in the future including a focus on hydrogen.
Geelong, the location of its 120,000 barrel-a-day oil refinery, is where Viva Energy is advancing its hydrogen refuelling infrastructure and vehicle deployment, taking concepts from demonstration to commercial applications. Partnering with the operators of significant fleets of heavy vehicles, such as Toll, Cleanaway, CDC and others in practical and commercial applications, Viva Energy’s public hydrogen refuelling station in Geelong is the most ambitious hydrogen mobility project in Australia.
The New Energies Service Station is due to start operations by 2024 and is backed by ARENA. It demonstrates the practical application of hydrogen-powered heavy vehicles in commercial fleets.
The road ahead for decarbonised transport
EVs offer a commercially available and economically viable path to decarbonise passenger and light duty transport. In many markets, EV technology and charging infrastructure are now mainstream.
Another key driver is the drop in the cost of lithium-ion batteries. In the early 2000s, the cost of a lithium-ion battery was around USD1,000 per kWh. This fell to USD137 per kWh, tantalisingly close to the tipping point where the upfront price of EVs achieve pricing parity with internal combustion vehicles – estimated at USD100 per kWh. Much of this cost reduction is due to China’s co-ordinated supply chain ecosystem and innovations in advanced manufacturing processes.
The IEA has called for a redoubling of efforts to improve efficiency, innovate and scale technology to avoid total costs rising. It launched its own initiative to help ensure reliable supplies and suggested considering extending EV incentive schemes.
Lithium is mined in Chile, Argentina and Australia and lithium processing and battery manufacture is dominated by China.
Australia can increase economic complexity by developing its own battery manufacturing ecosystem. Coming together to learn from the recent past is a simple first step.
Lithium-ion batteries have emerged as one of the key technologies on which the new electrified transport sector depends. The primary cathode material is lithium, but the batteries also contain nickel, cobalt and manganese.
Advantages over other battery types such as nickel-cadmium include energy density, cycle life, calendar life and cost per kWh.
Knowledge-sharing and skill swaps
Australia plans to establish a AUD500 million fund to build on the nation’s nascent EV charging network and invest in hydrogen highways for heavy transport. Promised tariff and tax exemptions will bring down the ticket price of EVs, encouraging market expansion beyond the lacklustre 1% of total vehicle sales in 2020.
China’s electric recharging infrastructure is already at mass scale and growing. The government’s goal is to have 40% of the vehicles sold in the country be EVs by 2030 and by 2025 to have in place charging infrastructure to meet the needs of more than 20 million cars.
Massive capital investment and heavy government intervention have played a crucial role in helping the Chinese EV market to flourish, but China’s experience offers valuable lessons for Australia.
There is room for China and Australia to collaborate on EV charging from a grid powered largely by a variable, renewable electricity generation source. Information exchange on bidirectional charging and the ability of EV owners to offer grid support services could occur at the university level, along with direct and powerful knowledge sharing between businesses.
The need for scale: expanding Australia’s charging infrastructure
The biggest opportunity is knowledge sharing and skill swap on the infrastructure problem. There are thousands of bus and fleet depots around Australia. We should be talking to authorities across China and asking: how did you do it? Did you have to move depots? What does your ownership and maintenance structure look like? Have you got solar and batteries on site? China is decarbonising transport at a scale that nobody in the western world can imagine. We should learn.”
Tim Washington, JET Charge CEO
Shanghai-born Australians Tim Washington and Ellen Liang are two of three co-founders of EV infrastructure company JET Charge, which launched in Australia in 2013.
The company has evolved from installing EV infrastructure to distributing hardware and creating software solutions that enable the proper and cost-effective integration of charging stations into the wider grid.
Washington sees the growth of charging stations in China as inspiration for Australia. Cities like Shenzhen have moved to 100% electric buses and taxis. He wants to see information exchange in both directions, around bi-directional charging, mineral resources and extraction, decarbonising grids, battery recycling and more.
A former corporate lawyer, Washington’s business began as an electrical apprenticeship of sorts: installing charging stations for Tesla alongside one of his co-founders, electrician Jay Robinson. The co-founders took their idea to vehicle manufacturers and have become the partner for all 21 brands importing EVs into Australia, from Volvo to Porsche to Jaguar.
Within five years of starting, JET Charge seized a gap in the market and co-founded Chargefox, Australia’s largest EV charging network, including a network of ultra-fast charging stations powered by renewable energy.
To Washington, the transition to EVs is not a car problem – it’s an infrastructure, energy and finance problem.
The hydrogen edge for heavy-transport
China has a significant head start on Australia in decarbonising its bus infrastructure, in both electrified and hydrogen-powered buses. Australia can look to China for lessons learned. As for decarbonising heavy-duty, long-haul trucking, both China and Australia have a long path ahead. There is room to collaborate on a shared solution to a shared problem.
For buses, there are merits to both hydrogen and electric. The bus fleet for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic games was hydrogen-powered. The duty cycle of a bus brings it back to a refuelling depot regularly, reducing the need for a widespread hydrogen refuelling network relative to a fleet of long-distance heavy-haul trucks. One hydrogen refuelling station can service many buses.
By contrast, several cities in China have heavily committed to electric buses, preferring the lower upfront costs and tolerating the longer recharging cycle (four to six hours). Shenzhen, for example, has completely electrified its public bus fleet of more than 16,000 vehicles.
For heavy-duty, long-haul trucking, the economics of competing recharging and refuelling infrastructures may tend towards the emergence of a dominant technology rather than the co-existence of both. In this heavy-haul context, hydrogen fuel cells may have the advantage over electrified batteries.
Heavy-haul duty cycles make electrification more challenging, with longer charging times and the need for higher capacity charging points. Hydrogen fuel cells, green methanol and renewable diesel have a shorter refuelling time. Renewable diesel is hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is close to a drop-in fuel for diesel engines. The logistics of establishing a refuelling network for a new fuel, particularly hydrogen, are significant but once established may have a compounding effect.
The Queensland, New South Wales and Victorian Governments have committed to developing a hydrogen highway along Australia’s east coast, providing funding to build essential infrastructure for long-haul transport.
There is much to learn from China’s policy support for the supply and demand side in the green hydrogen economy.
Chinese technology deployed to solve Australian transport emissions
Two hydrogen city buses arrived in Australia in July for a customer. There are more than 1,100 units running in China. This is a legacy of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics – it’s the same one used in the games. We are working with multiple universities, researching different topics, which will help the whole hydrogen industry move forward.”
Neil Wang, Foton Mobility Australia CEO
Since 2016, Foton Mobility Australia’s CEO, Neil Wang, has worked to bring hydrogen-powered buses to Australia. Foton Mobility is the Australian licensee and importer of Chinese hydrogen bus technology.
Hydrogen buses take 10-15 minutes to refuel and their natural route returns them to the depot regularly, avoiding the need for a widespread hydrogen fuelling network. This makes them best suited to short travel windows, where there is back-to-base support – like city buses.
Depots can house their own hydrogen electrolyser, build a hydrogen gas storage station for delivered supplies, or refuel buses directly from a hydrogen supply truck. In each scenario, the hydrogen is delivered in gas form.
Foton Mobility uses its own control logic technology to draw power from fuel cells manufactured by a joint venture between Toyota in Japan and SinoHytec in China.
The co-benefits of hydrogen-powered buses include less air and noise pollution, but the economics must be sufficiently compelling to draw operators away from traditional diesel-powered buses.
Among the challenges for Foton in Australia is the shortage of labour and lack of familiarity with the hydrogen buses and their components. Education is another critical area of collaboration to meet future industry demand.
Crossing the oceans
More than a quarter of the world’s container traffic moves through China’s ports. Yet finding a carbon free path for shipping is not peculiar to China: it is a global challenge presenting many opportunities.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) issued its greenhouse gas strategy in 2018. While riverine and short-distance coastal shipping might transition to electrification, long-distance shipping will need carbon-free liquid fuels like green hydrogen or green ammonia.
Ammonia and hydrogen are not ‘drop-in’ fuels that can be introduced to existing diesel-engine vessels. Ports would need to be equipped with ammonia- or hydrogen-storage facilities to refuel vessels. There are also barriers that ammonia will need to overcome before it can become a mainstream maritime fuel, such as its toxicity and NOx emissions. The world’s first ammonia-ready vessel, a Suezmax tanker of about 160,000DWT was constructed at a Chinese shipyard and delivered in early 2022. But this is an outlier for now: in the near-to-medium term a large-scale switch from diesel engines in vessel fleets with long lifecycles seems unlikely.
Another alternative is green methanol, which does not have ammonia’s challenges with safety and NOx emissions. Green methanol is based on green hydrogen and biomass, biogas or atmospheric CO2 and is closer to a drop-in fuel than ammonia or hydrogen.
Betting on green methanol as a future fuel and chemical feedstock
Plastics, paint, pharmaceuticals, adhesives, textiles, carpet. If it’s not metal or glass, it’s typically made from hydrocarbons. We have to find a way of making these things without fossil carbon or gas, and green methanol is the ideal feedstock. It won’t be a dark horse for much longer.”
Michael van Baarle, ABEL Energy CEO
Green methanol is a clean-burning fuel for shipping and industrial vehicles. Liquid in form, it’s not hard to convert engines, and tanks holding it in ships can take any shape and only need filling three to four times a year. It is also an important industrial chemical.
ABEL Energy is an Australian company focused on developing clean synthetic fuels; chiefly green methanol but also green hydrogen and other hydrogen-derived fuels.
Demand from the shipping industry is driving ABEL Energy to advance the production of green methanol as quickly as possible. Collaborating with manufacturers of engines, fuel cells and turbines, ABEL Energy is building its first green hydrogen and methanol project in Tasmania, using hydro and wind power. The goal is to produce roughly 200,000 tonnes of green methanol per year from 2025, much of it destined for export markets. Some will go towards domestic use, including a small plant producing renewable dimethyl ether from methanol for the local LPG industry.
ABEL Energy is exploring taking it further: converting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into green methanol rather than the conventional use of biomass or biogas. ABEL Energy is working with a local partner which has technology for direct CO2 capture.
The potential benefits go beyond fuels for long-haul transport and mining machinery. When used as a feedstock to make hydrocarbons, green methanol reduces the greenhouse gas intensity of a vast range of things we rely on.
In China, the widespread use of conventional methanol has led to much related technology development and it is an area ripe for collaboration.
Flying carbon neutral
Aviation is one of the most difficult-to-abate sectors.
For short-haul flights, there is the prospect of battery electric planes. In China, this would need to work hard to compete with its over 40,000km high-speed rail network which has grown at an incredible rate using Australian iron ore. China is home to almost 90% of the new high-speed rail lines built over the past ten years, making up over 70% of the world’s total today. Lines are being developed now through to Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and ultimately, Singapore, electrifying passenger and freight train transport.
For international, long-haul flights the solution is harder. There is a strong dependency on fuels that have the same high gravimetric and volumetric density as liquid hydrocarbons. Aviation airframes and engines have long lifespans, effectively ‘locking-in’ carbon intensity until the fleet is recycled with lower carbon solutions.
The more immediate focus is on switching to Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs). Certified blends involve mixing traditional aviation fuel with bio-based SAFs derived from feedstock such as cultivated crops, waste fats and municipal wastes.
These bio-based SAFs are currently up to 3 times the cost of kerosene-based aviation fuel, but airlines are betting their customer base will accommodate this higher-cost given the benefits. SAFs aside, there is an expected year-on-year reduction in emissions of about 1.3% due to engine and airframe manufacturers prioritising the reduction of fuel burn.
In the longer term, SAF will need to occupy a much higher proportion of the fuel blend. BloombergNEF projects its use will need to reach 18% of total aviation fuel by 2030 and (depending on the energy mix) between 39% and 95% by 2050.
The aviation industry is tackling the challenge collaboratively. In October 2021, around 290 airlines that are members of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) committed to achieve net zero carbon by 2050 under the campaign ‘Fly Net zero’. Most of the gains are from the switch to SAFs, but new technology, operational efficiencies and offsets will also play a part.
What next?
The transport and mobility sector is one of dramatically different paths.
There are some quick wins: the increasing electrification of passenger vehicles and the charging infrastructure to enable longer journeys; and hydrogen buses, which are already widely used in China.
There are also some slow and difficult wins which will carry significant logistics challenges. This is especially the case in long-haul trucking, shipping and aviation.
Australia can play a meaningful role by working on solutions over the coming decades. The abundance of renewable energy sources brings a competitive advantage to utilise the surplus to produce new fuels and address harder challenges.
Australia could also lead in the education space, training the world’s best technicians and engineers across the sector.
What is critical is the need to re-engage in constructive dialogue about how Australia can contribute to the global challenge. Joining Australian innovation with China’s scale and speed would bring much needed new solutions to market in both countries and the region.

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