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Schedule 2 –Singapore


The following fees apply to recruitment for roles in Singapore. In all cases, the fees stipulated below are exclusive of GST in Singapore.

For the purposes of clause 5.2(b) of the terms and conditions, the relevant time period is the later of:

  • the time set out in the table below for the relevant role type; and

  • 30 days from the receipt of the tax invoice (and, if applicable, the supporting information or documentation).\


Table 1

Role type

Time period

Permanent or fixed term

Within 30 days from the candidate's commencement date.

Temporary or casual

Within 14 days from the candidate's commencement date

All references to the annual salary packages below are exclusive of any sign-on bonus, any other bonus or allowance and any profit share or any other identifiable financial benefit.


A. Secretarial, receptionist, paralegal and support staff

The fee payable is 15% of the role’s annual salary.


B. Shared services staff

The fee payable is the percentage of the relevant role’s annual salary specified in Table 2.

Shared services staff means non-legal staff (including human resources, administration, finance, marketing, technology, hospitality, research/knowledge management and senior facilities management).


Table 2

Role type


Below Manager level

15 %

Manager level and above

20 %


C. Legal staff

The fee payable for all roles below partner level is 20 % of the role’s annual salary.

Any partner level recruitment fee to be negotiated and agreed between the parties in writing prior to offer.


D. Fixed term contract

The fee payable will be the fee specified for the relevant role category at Aor above pro-rated for the duration of the fixed term. No fixed term contract will exceed 12 months (or 365 days).

If a fixed term contract is converted by KWM to a permanent role within 12 months (or 365 days), a further fee will be payable equal to the fee specified for the relevant role category at Aor above minus the fee already paid for the fixed term.