King & Wood Mallesons won 11 Awards including the “Best Overall Law Firms of the Year (PRC Firms)” of the China Business Law Journal Awards.

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On 12 March 2019, China Business Law Journal (CBLJ) published the law firm whose performance stood out in the past year (2018). King & Wood Mallesons ranked as one of the Best Overall Law Firms (PRC firms) by CBLJ for the sixth consecutive year and the Law Firm of the Year (Beijing). Additionally, KWM has been recognized as the winner in nine categories including anti-bribery & compliance, aviation, banking & finance,  data protection & privacy, dispute resolution, intellectual property (trademark), intellectual property (patent), mergers and acquisitions, and capital markets (overseas), in many of which KWM has kept this honor for consecutive years, while  privacy and data protection is a new category of practice area.

The awards are selected based on the voting and recommendations of domestic and foreign in-house counsels, management decision-makers and legal professionals, and taking into account outstanding transactions, cases, or other high-profile achievements of the law firms over the past year.