The trademark team of King & Wood Mallesons China Office was ranked as gold firms in the Trademark Enforcement and Litigation and Trademark Prosecution and Strategy categories for the 12th consecutive year in the 2024 edition of the WTR 1000 published by the World Trademark Review (WTR) , an world's authoritative media in the field of intellectual property rights. Ten of the team members have won the title of "Outstanding Individual".
The categories and team members listed in the KWM China office are (in order of list):
Fields ranked by Gold Firm:
- Trademark Enforcement and Litigation
- Trademark Prosecution and Strategy
Team members who were awarded the title of "Outstanding Individual":
- Trademark Enforcement and Litigation: Shi Yusheng, Gordon Gao, He Fang , Xu Jing and Yang Xiaoli
- Trademark Prosecution and Strategy: Yang Xiaoli, Liao Fei, Lin Jiuchu and Ding Xianjie
- Transactions: Alicia Zhang and Mark Fu