Sarah Yu


Sydney, Australia

Sarah Yu specialises in financial services with a focus on superannuation and life insurance.

With over 25 years' experience, Sarah has assisted major banks and wealth management institutions, life insurers, retail, industry and corporate superannuation funds navigate complex of financial services regulatory issues.

Sarah's expertise includes:

  • Transactions - assisting major banks and wealth management institutions with mergers and acquisitions.
  • Successor fund transfers - inbound and outbound successor fund transfers. 
  • Life insurance transactions - sale of shares and Part 9 transfers.
  • Regulatory reforms - changes to structures, operations and documentation
  • Governance - all aspects of governance including board policies, delegations, director liability, director duties.
  • Product lifecycle - advising on complex life insurance products and establishing, changing and terminating superannuation funds and products
  • Regulatory and disclosure - relating to review of regulated documents, RSE and AFSL licensing, MySuper authorisations and APRA approvals and relief.
  • Outsourcing and insourcing - including advising on custody, administration and investment managements.
  • Disputes (internal and external) - from complaints to regulatory investigations and litigation.
  • Employers - employers superannuation issues including superannuation guarantee liabilities.

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