Sarah Clarke


Melbourne, Australia

Sarah is a Partner in the Employee Relations & Safety team, with 18 years of expertise across the full spectrum of employment and workplace relations law. She is passionate about solving difficult employment and labour problems for both local and multinational employers across a range of sectors, including tertiary, technology, financial services, health, energy and government.

Sarah advises large employers on complex workplace investigations, senior staff terminations, sexual harassment and discrimination matters, restraint of trade claims, worker engagement models and workforce restructuring. Sarah has extensive experience assisting clients in responding to regulatory compliance inquiries and developing sophisticated compliance programs to mitigate risk.

Sarah assists her clients meet the requirements of the positive duty to prevent sexual harassment and other behaviours in the workplace, regularly undertaking staff, management and Board level training, developing and conducting risk assessments and policy/procedure reviews.

Global businesses trust Sarah to support them with all their employment law needs to enter and establish themselves in the Australian market. Sarah has also worked closely with a number of ‘disruptive’ brands, assisting them to navigate the complex regulatory environment whilst achieving their business objectives.

Sarah’s network extends to Asia and Europe, having held leadership roles with a pre-eminent international employment law alliance and contributing to various international employment law publications on key trends and developments in the area. Sarah also regularly presents at both national and international conferences on topical and complex employment law issues.

Sarah was named as a “Recommended” Leading Employment Lawyer (Employer Representation) – Victoria in 2022 by Doyles, recognising her as a leading individual in Melbourne for employment and industrial relations. 

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