Mikkeli Godfree


Melbourne, Australia

Mikkeli is an energy disputes specialist.

He has deep experience and expertise in regulatory and commercial disputes, across energy generation, storage, transmission and retail.

In addition to his energy disputes practice, Mikkeli has extensive experience in cyber incidents and related regulatory investigations and disputes.  He has a background in large-scale commercial disputes, regulatory litigation, internal/external investigations and inquiries. 

Mikkeli has acted on significant energy regulation and commercial disputes, including:

  • AGL: defending proceedings commenced by the AER re alleged breaches of the overcharging provisions of the NERR in respect of amounts paid to AGL by Centrelink.
  • Pelican Point Power Station (Engie): defending proceedings commenced by the AER re breaches of PASA provisions of the NER relating to the February 2017 load shedding event.
  • Tasmanian Gas Pipeline: Acting for TGP in the first gas transport access dispute under the NGR in respect of an access dispute with AETV (Hydro Tasmania).
  • Lochard Energy (QIC): Acting for Lochard Energy in its $1bn claim for damages against Energy Australia in relation to its purchase of the Iona Gas Storage Facility.

He has also acted on significant cyber incidents, investigations, inquiries and schemes of arrangement, including: 

  • Latitude: acting in relation to all aspects of the March 2023 cyber-attack on Latitude (the largest in Australia to date), including the OAIC’s investigation of the same, and defending individual and representative claims.  Mikkeli also acts for Medibank in relation to the OAIC investigation.
  • BHP: acting in relation to the Commonwealth inquiry into the destruction of the Juukan Gorge. In addition, completed 6-month secondment to assist in running a cross-border internal investigation arising from the Samarco dam collapse.
  • Newmont: Acting for Newmont in its $26bn acquisition of Newcrest by scheme of arrangement.

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