Lisa Huett


Melbourne, Australia

Lisa specialises in competition law, consumer protection and product liability with a focus on the application and enforcement of Australia's cartel laws.

Clients seek out Lisa for her deep understanding of the ACCC, its enforcement priorities and investigation techniques, enabling her to provide strategic direction and assist with crisis management in the face of regulatory investigations. They praise Lisa for being "an excellent adviser and a great support to our business - we really feel she has our back".

Lisa advises leading industry players on the competition law implications of their projects, product launches, pricing and supply chain and strategies, recommending ways to mitigate legal and regulatory risks and minimise customer and competitor complaints. 

On ACCC investigations, Lisa supports clients to navigate ACCC investigations, vigorously defending clients in ACCC enforcement proceedings or seeking to avoid enforcement action by addressing ACCC concerns.

Lisa is the Chair of the Competition and Consumer Committee of the Law Council of Australia. 

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