Jo Crew


Melbourne, Australia

Jo advises sponsors and financiers on all aspects of the development, financing and acquisition of major infrastructure and energy projects.

Ranked as a band 2 individual for project finance in Chambers and ranked for energy, infrastructure and project finance in IFLR 1000, Jo’s extensive experience includes PPP transactions, independent power projects, secondary market infrastructure transactions, privatisations and energy trading.

Jo’s work highlights include:

Infrastructure and PPP projects

  • Advising the Exemplar Health consortium (consisting of Capella Capital, Lendlease, Compass and Honeywell) on its bid for the Frankston Hospital Redevelopment PPP 
  • Advising the Exemplar Health consortium (consisting of Capella Capital, Lendleaseand Spotless) on its bid for the New Footscray Hospital PPP
  • Advising the Connecting Melbourne consortium (consisting of Capella Capital, Acciona, BMD Contractors, Decmiland Lendlease Services) on its bid for the Suburban Roads Upgrade PPP
  • Advised the financiers to a consortium (consisting of Capella Capital, GEO and Lendlease) on its bid for the Grafton Prison PPP
  • Advising the Western Partnerships consortium (consisting of Capella Capital, Lend Lease and BBGI) on its bid for the Outer Surburban Arterial Roads construction and maintenance PPP in Victoria
  • Advising the financiers on the $2b+ refinancing of the Reliance Rail PPP, including restructuring of CPI and interest rate swaps

Renewable energy

  • Advised Clenergyon the sale of the Metz wind farm and subsequently advised FRV on the development and financing of the project
  • Advising an existing wind farm on a co-located hydrogen project
  • Advising the sponsors, CWP and Partners Group, on the development and financing of the Bango, Crudine, Sapphire and UungulaWind Farms in NSW; including negotiation of PPAs with Snowy Hydro, Transurban, Woolworths, Sydney Airport and Origin, Fujitsu and Nestle.
  • Advising the sponsor, Genex, on the development and financing of the JemalongSolar Project as part of a portfolio financing with the Kidston Solar project
  • Advising CWP on the Sapphire solar and battery project in NSW
  • Advising the Sponsors (consisting of Masdar Tribe, Opal and Suez) on the development of the Maryvale waste to energy project in Victoria


  • Advising a consortium (consisting of GE and Macquarie Capital) on a proposed gas fired power station in the Northern Territory;
  • Advising the lenders to Perth Energy Swift Kwinana dual fuelled power project
  • Advising the lenders to the Griffin Worsley Cogeneration Project in Western Australia, including restructuring arrangements
  • Advising International Power in relation to the refinancing of the Loy Yang B power project

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