Andrew is a finance and projects partner at King & Wood Mallesons with over 20 years' experience. He plays a key role in helping the firm to execute its international strategy and co-leads the Cross-border Finance Product team.

He is relationship partner for a number of the firms' Chinese and Japanese bank and sponsor clients. He regularly leads multi-lingual teams in servicing clients operating in Australia, China, Japan and Southeast Asia, on front-end projects and leveraged financing and joint venture transactions and workouts/ restructurings. A number of Andrew's restructurings have been nominated for industry awards over the years, including the workout and restructuring of USD4,500m debt facilities provided to PT Bumi Resources Tbk (Indonesia), which was The Asia Legal Awards 2018 Finance Deal of the Year for Restructuring.   

He has long experience in leveraged acquisition financing with particular expertise in the Energy and Resources, Real Estate and Agribusiness industry sectors but as a trusted adviser to banks, he also advises banks on a range of regulatory and fund-raising matters.  

Andrew is a lecturer in project finance in the resources sector at Melbourne University's masters level infrastructure course, has contributed significantly to the Energy & Resources Law Association (formerly AMPLA), as both a speaker and a Reference Committee member in the development of its model documentation and co-ordinates the national CLE program for Banking & Finance. Andrew has also been a member of the Executive Committee of the Australia-China Business Counsel's Victoria Branch since 2019 and has contributed regularly as a speaker and moderator. 

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