Amanda Engels


Sydney, Australia

Amanda Engels is an experienced litigator who specialises in class actions, financial services, white collar crime issues, dispute resolution and regulatory investigations including investigations by ASIC, AUSTRAC and APRA.

Amanda has managed and advised a breadth of major corporate clients concerning contentious matters, regulatory disputes, white collar crime issues, statutory construction, AML/CTF and Corporations Act and contractual matters.

Amanda also provides general advice to clients on investigations and regulatory matters. Amanda was the Lawyers Weekly Disputes Resolution Partner of the Year in 2020, a Who’s Who Legal Future Leader in 2022 and one of Doyles’ Guide recommended Leading Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution Lawyers in 2023.

Amanda's work highlights include: 

  • IG Markets: Representing IG Markets in a class action initiated in the Federal Court of Allegation in relation to contracts for difference and allegations of misleading or deceptive conduct and unconscionable conduct.
  • QSuper: Representing QSuper Board (trustee) in a class action initiated in the Federal Court of Australia brought by Shine Lawyers.
  • AMP: Representing entities in two class actions initiated in the Federal Court of Australia.
  • Firstmac Limited: Representing Firstmac Limited in civil penalty proceedings brought by ASIC in relation to design and distribution obligations in the Corporations Act.
  • La Trobe Financial: Representing La Trobe Financial in civil penalty proceedings brought by ASIC in relation to allegations of misleading or deceptive conduct regarding the La Trobe Australian Credit Fund.
  • Medibank: Representing Medibank in a shareholder class action commenced in the Supreme Court of Victoria in relation to the largest data breach in Australian corporate history.
  • National Australia Bank: in defencing a consumer credit insurance class action brought by Slater & Gordon.
  • National Australia Bank: acting in the enforcement action brought by AUSTRAC.
  • Various: Advising clients in relation to internal investigations, and assisting with the management of fraud/misconduct investigations.

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