Directions 2024
Driving productivity growth in a highly charged environment
KWM’s Directions Report 2024 is your essential guide to what is ‘top of mind’ for Australian directors and senior business leaders.
Our 2024 edition is here - revealing that Australian businesses are searching for business and investment opportunities and productivity growth in a challenging and highly charged environment.

3.3MB, 16 Pages
Key findings include:
- The top ranking short term concern (next 6 months) is pursuing and maintaining profitability.
- There is increasing concern over the medium term (next 3-5 years) about responding to and managing excessive regulation and red tape, overtaking concerns about maintaining an appropriate corporate culture.
- While still a prominent issue, there is comparatively less concern about managing cyber risks, potentially reflecting that businesses have actively increased efforts to improve their cyber resilience and are now at a more mature stage in terms of response readiness.
- More stable long term policy settings and more effective regulation present an important opportunity to enhance productivity and help Australian businesses ‘grow the pie’ for all stakeholders.
Here is a sneak peek at KWM’s Directions Report 2024 - available to download below
Directors' and senior leaders' areas of greatest opportunity or concern in the next 3 – 5 years

A snapshot of the questions we are asked this year
Compared to 12 months ago, what is your organisation’s attitude towards pursuing growth opportunities and risk taking in the next 12 months?

What is the greatest barrier to productivity growth in Australia, and what would enhance Australia's productivity growth?