New housing solutions for a changing world
Australia’s ageing population and the growing demand for affordable housing has led to strong growth in the manufactured housing industry as an alternative accommodation solution beyond the traditional retirement village estates.
As this market evolves, investors, developers and existing estate owners will need advisors who have the skills and experience to look ahead to the opportunities that are arising and provide for these through flexible arrangements.
Our team is known in the market for our ability to bring innovative solutions to changing markets. We have advised on structuring, financing, development and acquisitions across the manufactured housing industry.
Market highlights
- Stockland: advising on the A$620 million acquisition of Halcyon Group’s permanent over 50’s living communities in South East Queensland, including the established, in development and in planning communities.
- CorVal Partners: advising on the establishment of a fund to invest in the manufactured housing estate sector, and the fund’s joint venture with a specialist manufactured housing estate operator.
- Adviser to unsuccessful bidder for the New South Wales government’s SAHF No.1 Project, which proposed manufactured homes as one of the solutions. This transaction involved an in depth review of this asset class.