KWM recognised as the most innovative company for their commitment and innovation in developing digital literacy

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Asia's top tier international law firm King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) recognised as the most innovative Professional Services company for their commitment and innovation in developing digital literacy

Last night KWM was the winner of the Professional Services category at The Australian Financial Review’s Most Innovative Companies Awards, and also won a special category award for Best Internal Innovation.

KWM was awarded for their industry-first LegalTech Belts Program, an externally validated micro-credentialling digital literacy program, that codifies the competency levels of lawyers in practical application of technology tools in legal work.

KWM Executive Director of Innovation Michelle Mahoney said:  

“By building digital literacy in our people, I truly believe KWM is building the lawyers of the future. Our LegalTech Belts initiative has seen individual skills augmented, ways of working improved, and significant efficiency gains witnessed by clients and in the velocity of project delivery. I am so proud of our Transformation team at KWM who has been instrumental in making this happen, and our people for daring to try.”  

The demand from clients for efficient and innovative legal service delivery continues to be high, with firms ensuring that strategic initiatives are successfully adopted and embedded by their people.

KWM Chief Executive Partner Australia, Renae Lattey said that she was thrilled that KWM had been recognised for their work in this area.   

“We’ve made a deliberate commitment to developing and embedding digital literacy skills for the benefit of both our people and our clients. It’s an honour to have received this award.”  
