Spotlight on | Emma Rolley, Legal Counsel at Spell & The Gypsy Collective
It's been a joy working in-house at Spell & the Gypsy Collective (SPELL) since 2018. It was a steep learning curve starting back in the fashion industry and returning to in-house legal counsel after a period of time out of the law, running my own digital marketing business in Brisbane and Byron, and raising three children.
21 July 2020
Spotlight on | Ilana Atlas, Chairman at Coca-Cola Amatil
Ilana was at King & Wood Mallesons for 16 years, making significant career strides in that time, including running the firm's New York office and as a managing partner. We spoke to Ilana about the diverse opportunities she embraced throughout her career and why it's important to pursue work what you are passionate about.
02 March 2020
Spotlight on | Matthew Robinson, Consultant at Bain & Company
Matthew Robinson is based in Chicago and is a Consultant for Bain & Company after leaving KWM to relocate to the US to complete an MBA in Economics and Strategic Management. We chatted with Matt about his career at one of the world's top management consulting firms.
31 July 2019
Spotlight on | Tom Brunskill, Co-founder at InsideSherpa
Tom Brunskill is one of two founders of virtual work experience company, InsideSherpa, a platform that allows students to ready themselves for the workplace by experiencing real challenges set by organisations around the world.
31 July 2019